著名的研究Six Degrees of Separation(六人理论)指出,任何两个人之间取得联系,中间不会超过六个人。就是说最多只需要通过六个人就可以让任何两个互相不认识的人认识。电脑、手机、互联网的技术发展,让任何两个人取得联系更加快捷,根据最新的研究,不认识的两个人只隔着不到4个朋友而已。取得联系方式更加容易,并且通过书信、电子邮件、赠送礼物等方式与对方成为朋友。但是全世界的人之间最大的障碍是语言。因为最高的技术、最广泛的交流都是英文进行的,英语是世界上所有人都懂的语言,所以用英语说话的能力决定了一个人对世界认知的范围,甚至决定人的层级,这就是人们常说的“英语使人通向世界”。
- Cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.【West Point(陆军军官学院)的Horner Code(荣誉密码)】
- Courage is contagious, keep grinding, be a pipe hitter.
- Nothing worth doing ever came easy. Don’t give up, don’t back down. 【值得做的事情都来之不易, 别放弃,别退缩】
- United we stand, divided we fall.
- Together, we have the same mission.
- Over the course of your life you will find that things are not always fair.
- The more righteous you fight, the more opposition that you will face.
- We can’t get complacent now. Let’s keep going.
- Never ever give an inch.Draw a line in the sand.【绝不让步,划清界线】
- We parted ways for that specific reason.
- Investigate and evaluate what he said.
- The news may be good, the news may be bad, but I will tell you truth.
- Work hard, keep your faith, and tell the truth.
- Faith is confidence in what we hope for. Faith is assurance about what we do not see.【信仰是信心,对我们希望的。信仰是保证,对我们没看到的】
- Bless the Lord, O my soul, worship his holy name.
- Sing like never before. I’ll worship your holy name.
- The sun comes up. It’s a new day dawning. It’s time to sing your song again.
- Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me, let me be singing when the evening comes.
- You’re rich in love, and you’re slow to anger. Your name is great and your heart is kind.
- For all your goodness, I will keep on singing. Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find.
- And on that day when my strength is failing, the end draws near and my time has come.
- Still my soul will sing. Your praise unending. Ten thousand years and then forevermore.
- Today, I need you to embrace what comes hard. Today I need you to accept the challenge. Today I need you to fall in love with the process.
- There will be plenty of opportunities to get discouraged, to lose your passion, and think that it’s not meant to be.
- But if you’re going to reach your destiny, you have to have made-up mind.
- If you give up after the first time or the fifth time or the thirty time, what that really means you didn’t want it bad enough.
- There should be something you’re believing for that you are relentless.
- You’re not moved by how impossible it looks, you’re not discouraged by how long it’s taking
- You don’t give up because people told you no, you’re attitude is: If I have to believe my whole life
- I am not going to stop believing, I am not going to take no for an answer, I am not going to settle for mediocrity, I am going to keep pursuing what put in my heart.
- And ask ourself “What I am really want.”What I am really want? And write it down.
- Writing cause thinking, thinking creates an image and you get these images.
- And you get this images growing, your building a vision in your mind.
- It’s a visionaries. That changed the world. Think of that.
- But what keeps the competitive edge, what keeps you on top is the ability to think and prepare mentally over and over again.
- The body has limitations, the mind does not. We focus so much on what goes on the neck down, that we forget it all starts from here.
- Everything starts from there if you’re not mentally ready, you’re never really physically prepared.
- And that’s where the preparation starts.
- What would your life be like? As you look toward the future, if you decided “I’m not going to allow my fears to stop me.”
- And I’m saying to you “whatever you gotta do, do it.”Because if you don’t, life is gonna whoop you until your surrender.
- So when you young and you make mistakes, don’t let ‘em eat you up “cause everybody that done made it done, made ‘em.”
- You got to fail in order to win. Hay, look man. To understand how to hit the game when it’s shot, you got to miss the game when it’s shot.
- You know, you got to be tough because the road to success is always under construction.
- It’s never a clear path to success. The people who become successful are the people who have a relentless attitude.
- And you just got to hang in there through bad breaks, ‘cause bad breaks is coming’, but they usually come right before the big break is about to happen.
- You get the series of bad breaks and it stumbles up a lot of people.
- My life and my success is to say to anyone, “you can stumble, you can fall, you can back up again.”